During my birthday back in August we were still in semi lockdown in Jakarta, and we couldn't travel anywhere even if we want to (pandemic please go away soon!), but it was my birthday and we thought we needed some fresh air and new views to refresh our minds after almost two years being stuck at home and didn't really go anywhere. So considering that the rules were lowered down due to lower cases of Covid19 we decided to getaway for a little while to a quiet open place still inside the city.
This was back in August when out of town trips still have specific rules and I don't think people were flying on airplanes much those days so we opt out for this little hidden beach area in PIK, right at the outer north of Jakarta.
I learned about this secret beach from Instagram. Not many people knew about this "hidden beach" yet at that time but some of us already knows about it from IG posts. There was another white sand beach in PIK that were open to the public about a few months earlier and it was jam packed with people right after it officially open for public (it even made the news because of the big crowds during semi lockdown). I guess maybe people need some recreation after almost two years stuck at home and social distancing so as soon as a new beach is opened they flocked there immediately.
So after the big crowd incident the beach closes it gates to public and hasn't been opened since (to avoid the crowd).
BUT there was another beach (near that original beach) that weren't officially open for public but some people knew about it and finally I came to know about it too. We called it a secret beach or hidden beach because at that time the public didn't know about it yet, and because we actually kinda have to "trespass" the area (oopss! hehe) to reach the beach 😛
But there was already parking system there and every afternoon at around 5:30 pm the securities would come and dismiss the visitors at the beach (because we're not allowed at the beach after 6 pm).
OOTD Wearing :
Dress : Itang Yunasz
Belt : Call Me Captain via Etsy
Bag : Coach Reversible City Tote
Hat : Birthday Gift from my brother
Sandals : via Metro Dept Store
So we went there, just the two of us me and hubby, following the direction from the IG post and at first we missed the spot so we had to turn around before we finally reach the correct spot. As it is a secret beach and an unofficial beach too, so it has no clear direction on the street. We just have to follow the direction that we got from other people who already been there :)
When we reached the parking spot we still have to walk a little to reach the water pocket that runs the sea water into the new city that were built around the sea. If you're not from Jakarta the white sand beach in PIK area is a man-made beach, so they are able to create this beautiful waterway for seawater to fulfill the city needs (they are currently in progress of building a satellite city in this outer part of Jakarta).
Aaanyway, when we first had a glance upon the sea and the blue sky my eyes open widely and we were so excited because we haven't seen the beach/sea or this kinda view for two years! We used to have vacations or short holidays every year so after two years of only seeing the walls in our apartment (and occasionally the supermarket aisle, and our family member's home) we were THAT excited and happy to just see a glimpse of the sea view.
But then after we walked further towards the sea and along the paved road path that goes to the white sand beach we were exhilarated to finally see the beautiful white beach ! Although it was just a small beach but it was so beautiful ... with the ocean waves, the blue sky, the white sand, the tall palm leaves, the view of the long straits of the beach with the city high-rise in the distance.. wow we felt lucky enough to be able to see this hidden beach before it gets crowded once the public knows about it.
We were there a bit late because we had missed the spot so had to turn back around and wasted some time, but it was a serene and happy memory. We spent our short time there enjoying the view, the ocean breeze, and taking photographs for beautiful memories. Nowadays simple things can make me happy.. One thing I learned from this pandemic is to be thankful for everything you have, and to appreciate the little things that sometimes you took for granted. That was one beautiful day. My stressed mind is refreshed, and My heart is healed.
I took some very beautiful photographs there and edited them to make them look even more beautiful.
These pictures make my heart happy :)
I even edited the sky in one of the photo to make it as my phone's wallpaper as below hehe
Some of my follower friends have requested the photos for their wallpaper too so If you want this wallpaper (or other beach photo wallpaper) you can go to my IG highlight : Jakarta

Don't forget to follow me on IG (@yurikristia) so you can see other hidden places like this first hand. Because I always post it late here in my blog (I'm more active on IG 😏).
PS : I don't know if this beach is still accessible or not anymore because I went there in August and not many people knew about it then. As you can see in my pictures there were only a few people on the beach and at some part it's even almost empty.
I didn't keep track of the beach condition after I went there the first time. The last time I heard it got more crowd visiting it because many people have learned about it too by now.. and big crowds are not good because we are however still in pandemic mode. I just felt lucky that we can visit it when it were still empty...
Let's keep on staying safe people!
Hugs n' Kisses,