This is a back log post, it supposed to be up a few days ago but i totally forgot to publish it, so anyway here's my last 2 days of my Breast cancer aWEARness styling challenge that I started a week ago. Yep, I got 10 days instead of 7 days like I planned to. I managed to get 3 extra days to wear pink. If you new and haven't got a clue of what I'm saying then go here to read about my first day of the challenge.
Many thanks to Mel from A Working Mom's Closet who begin this challenge, click here to go to her site and to see other participants. Lots of pink outfit to see! :)
Okay, here goes..
Day 9

The pink item on day 9 is my pink cat tee (and a bit of pink in the skirt's motif).
This tee is really cheap, I bought it for only IDR 20.000 at Melawai and it still in good condition up until now! You'd expect the blinkies and prints on a cheap IDR 20.000 t-shirt would have fallen apart in a few months but surprisingly this tee has survived the washing machine for 3 years already!
Looky here..all the blinkies are still intact and the print does not fade. Well, i guess you do get lucky sometimes ;)

Day 10

The pink item I wore on day 10 is the Bamm-Bamm t-shirt (you remember Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles from the Flintstones, right? ;p) and my newly purchased pink dotted summer sandals from Shoelicious :D The denim skirt (from Tilt) also have a little pink detail on the back pockets.
I went to Pondok Indah Mall the other day because I read in my twitter timeline that they were having a 3-days-only sale! So I packed my purse and went there to search for a new black kitten heel sandal because my one and only black heel sandals were eaten by a rat, argh!! And so there I went to the sale but couldn't find what I'm looking for. It was so jam-packed too so I didn't really enjoy browsing around the shoe racks. I decided to go home and suddenly I saw this Shoelicious booth with assorted colorful sandals and flats and wedges. My eyes were drawned into this pink dotted one. Maybe because it's the Breast cancer awareness month aka the pink month, or maybe because I secretly wanted a new pink item to wear for my styling challenge, either way, I got my hands on these one:

I had fun with this styling challenge and as you can see, I even bought a new pink sandals to add to my pink outfit collections! ;) Although I can't continue this challenge to wear pink-based outfit for a whole month like Mel did (due to limited pink items and because I'm the type who don't want to repeat outfit in one week cycle >> or at least for 2 weeks) so I had to stop at day 10 but I promise I'll try to wear pink in future days until end of this month. That new pink dotted sandals need it's own show-off time anyway ;p

The pink item on day 9 is my pink cat tee (and a bit of pink in the skirt's motif).
This tee is really cheap, I bought it for only IDR 20.000 at Melawai and it still in good condition up until now! You'd expect the blinkies and prints on a cheap IDR 20.000 t-shirt would have fallen apart in a few months but surprisingly this tee has survived the washing machine for 3 years already!
Looky here..all the blinkies are still intact and the print does not fade. Well, i guess you do get lucky sometimes ;)

Day 10

The pink item I wore on day 10 is the Bamm-Bamm t-shirt (you remember Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles from the Flintstones, right? ;p) and my newly purchased pink dotted summer sandals from Shoelicious :D The denim skirt (from Tilt) also have a little pink detail on the back pockets.
I went to Pondok Indah Mall the other day because I read in my twitter timeline that they were having a 3-days-only sale! So I packed my purse and went there to search for a new black kitten heel sandal because my one and only black heel sandals were eaten by a rat, argh!! And so there I went to the sale but couldn't find what I'm looking for. It was so jam-packed too so I didn't really enjoy browsing around the shoe racks. I decided to go home and suddenly I saw this Shoelicious booth with assorted colorful sandals and flats and wedges. My eyes were drawned into this pink dotted one. Maybe because it's the Breast cancer awareness month aka the pink month, or maybe because I secretly wanted a new pink item to wear for my styling challenge, either way, I got my hands on these one:

Aaand that's a wrap for my 10 days BBCA (Blogging for Breast Cancer Awareness) styling challenge. I will try to keep on wearing something pink until the end of this month but probably not in a continuous cycle. To recap my 10 days BBCA styling challenge, here are the 10 pink-based outfit starting from day 1 (left to right and then second row, left to right):
Halloween is up upon the corner, if you're hosting a party you might wanna check out my halloween party ideas in my other blog here. And since this is a fashion blog so lets discuss about the costume :)
All costumes are from Flaunt on Fashion. I did a review and giveaway post for them back in 2009. They have great choices for costumes and what's important is they ship WORLDWIDE for FREE!
Last year my choice was either a Queen's Guard:

Or a Warrior Princess:

And this year I'm lusting over these costumes from Flaunt on Fashion. It's either a Sailor Girl :

Or a Flapper Girl:

Which one do you like best?

Or a Warrior Princess:

And this year I'm lusting over these costumes from Flaunt on Fashion. It's either a Sailor Girl :

Or a Flapper Girl:

Which one do you like best?
All costumes are from Flaunt on Fashion. I did a review and giveaway post for them back in 2009. They have great choices for costumes and what's important is they ship WORLDWIDE for FREE!

Aah finally the most awaited fashion event is here! The Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011!
Setidaknya ini event yang saya tunggu-tunggu banget. Walaupun belum pernah melihat langsung seperti apa sih perhelatan fashion terbesar di Indonesia ini, tapi saya selalu suka melihat dan membaca liputan-liputannya yang biasanya pasti ada di berbagai majalah fashion dan media online.
Dari kecil saya senang menonton fashion show (walaupun cuma di TV), apalagi setelah ada TV kabel yang ada channel Fashion TV nya, bisa betah di depan TV dari pagi sampai sore hanya untuk nonton fashion show di channel tsb (dengan catatan kalau di rumah lagi nggak ada orang, soalnya kalau ada orang lain pasti protes "ngapain sih dari tadi nonton beginian terus?"). Setelah itu akhirnya kesampaian juga nonton fashion show beneran, walaupun kecil-kecilan, bukan yang tingkat desainer kenamaan. Tapi siapapun desainernya, terkenal atau tidak, saya selalu suka duduk manis nonton peragawati berjalan mondar-mandir dengan berbagai busana dan aksesoris serta dandanan yang biasanya disesuaikan dengan model atau tema bajunya. Kalau ditanya kenapa senang nonton fashion show? Yah pokoknya senang aja :)
Makanya kalau ada acara yang berhubungan dengan fashion show pasti saya dengan berbinar-binar pengen tau, contohnya ya Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 ini. Tahun ini tema- nya adalah "Styling Modernity". Ah, dari tema nya saja sudah terbayang pasti nanti banyak koleksi keren yang patut diacungi jempol.
Dengan adanya JFW ini bukan tidak mungkin kalau nanti di masa depan Jakarta bisa menjadi salah satu kota pusat mode dunia seperti Paris, London, Milan, atau New York. Dengan judul "Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011: Menuju Jakarta, Kota Mode Dunia", saya rasa itu bukan hal yang muluk. Fashion kita KAYA kok, dan PASTI MAMPU menembus pasar dunia :)
Di JFW 2010/2011 ini selain akan ada parade fashion show dari banyak perancang kenamaan sekaligus para perancang muda Indonesia juga akan ada pemberian awards untuk dua kategori, yaitu Cleo fashion Awards untuk desainer muda berbakat, dan Lomba Perancang Aksesori (LPA) 2010. Penasaran juga nih siapa yang menang dan seperti apa desain pemenangnya.
Tapi lebih penasaran lagi sama koleksi yang akan dikeluarkan berbagai desainer Indonesia di JFW tahun ini. Kalau JFW tahun kemarin saja sudah keren-keren seperti ini...
..bagaimana dengan JFW tahun ini ya? pasti lebih keren lagi! :D

On this week's Bag of News I got some stories to share, from being featured at FabSugar to my new found love aka Woolly the sock ;P Scroll down to read more..

And last but not least, I just want to share with you my new found love. Meet "Woolly" :

My Breast Cancer aWEARness style challenge got highlighted, I was 'Look of The day' in FabSugar, I think they chose me because I was highlighting on the Breast Cancer aWEARness styling challenge to help raise awareness. They even ask other readers to also submit their pink looks to help support the cause. I hope this will get the message more spread out. Thanks Fab Sugar!--------------------------------------
Roxy is also participating in the Breast Cancer Awareness month this October by launching "ROXY PINK". Roxy pink is a new collection of t-shirts that support breast health awareness for women in Indonesia. 25% from the price will be donated to the Breast Health Foundation (YKPJ), to continue their programs against breast cancer in Indonesia as the second deadliest disease for women in Indonesia.
The collection consists of three styles of T-shirt with breast health themed design, all available in various choice of colors such as pink, purple, white and black. Get them in all of the Roxy stores, surf stores and well-known department stores throughout Indonesia.

Roxy pics and banner is from their facebook page here

Roxy pics and banner is from their facebook page here
I forgot to tell you that I just saw a new book from the Shopaholics series!! Oh my! I knew Sophie Kinsella will make another Shopaholics series, and now it's out and available in book stores! I saw it in Kinokuniya book store the other day but didn't have time to buy it. But I will definitely buy it on my next bookstore trip. The confessions of a Shopaholic series is one of MY FAVORITE book series !
This new book is called "Mini Shopaholic". It tells the story of Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) and her little daughter who has become a "mini shopaholic" by now, ooh I can't wait to read about it! If you are a Shopaholic series fan you'll understand what I'm saying ^o^
This new book is called "Mini Shopaholic". It tells the story of Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) and her little daughter who has become a "mini shopaholic" by now, ooh I can't wait to read about it! If you are a Shopaholic series fan you'll understand what I'm saying ^o^
And last but not least, I just want to share with you my new found love. Meet "Woolly" :

It's the most comfortable socks I've ever tried!! It's really cushy, soft, warm (but doesnt make you sweaty), and very plush to the touch! I love love love it very much! Perfect for my sleeping socks. But unfortunately this is not mine ;p Although I already named it "Woolly" but sadly this belong to brother in law who lent me/hubby this sock when hubby was hospitalized. It would be sad to be part with it..and brother in law wont tell me where he got it (sob)..
So, how bout your week? Hope you had a great one! Any stories to share?
So, how bout your week? Hope you had a great one! Any stories to share?

These are my top 5 Wondershoe wishlist:
Wondershoe is a local online shoe store that sells only flat shoes. I currently in love with flat shoes, I don't know why I avoid wearing high heels these days, maybe because I'm afraid of hurting my feet if I wear high heels too long or maybe because my activity lately involve many running around here and there, many places to visit and many things to do..
So anyway, if any of you would be willing to donate your money and buy me one of those Wondershoe from the list above, I'd be happy to call you: 'My Master' ^o^

Continuing my Breast Cancer A-wear-ness challenge, this is day 6, 7 & 8 of the challenge. As you may have read before, I started by thinking that with those limited pink items in my wardrobe I'd probably get 7 days of outfit, but as days gone by I found out that I actually own a little more pink items in my wardrobe than I expected so it turns out that I could make 10 days of outfit instead of 7 days! If more days means more awareness for Breast Cancer then I'd do it. Yesterday I just found out that I was 'Look of The Day' on FabSugar website because I highlighted on the Breast Cancer aWEARness month! I hope more people are reading about it through FabSugar and will be inspired about it too.
So I guess this 'wearing pink everyday' challenge that I posted here actually really does something, at least I could help spreads the awareness spirit out there.

So I guess this 'wearing pink everyday' challenge that I posted here actually really does something, at least I could help spreads the awareness spirit out there.
Day 6

My pink item on day 6 is the dark pink cardigan that I got from my SIL and the pink vintage necklace that I got from mom. The rest of the outfit is casual and laid back. I could run my errands freely in this outfit.
Day 7
For day 7 & 8 which falls on weekend, I had my brother in law's wedding which was held at a hotel function room. We got there early and stayed in our hotel room before changing clothes and makeup for the party. The pink item I wore is a vintage pale pink blouse with laser cut-out detail at the front. It was originally a long sleeve shirt but I chopped off the sleeves and made it into a sleeveless blouse instead (a tailor did it, not me). I also wore my new sparkly flower-shaped ring that day, more about it later in my next 'new purchases' post.

Day 8

We stayed at the fifth floor and had a corner room which has a nice looking view of the surrounding. At this side of town you don't see much of Jakarta's sky-rise buildings, but I'm glad that I could still see some greenery here (Jakarta is very lacking of green spots).

And there's a school right beside our hotel (see below pic), i think this is an elementary school. Look, it has a small field at the right (the blue spot) where students do their monday ceremony where we held a ceremony to honor our flag and country by singing our national anthem while raising our flag on the school's pole. It also serves as a small sports field where students play basketball, volley, field-run, and gymnastic routines.

The pink item I wore on day 8 is the pink striped skirt from Details. I had this skirt since I was in college I think, it's old but it still in good condition. I paired it with white and a little bit of brown on the belt. The pretty lacey top is courtesy of Mode-5, a cute Korean-style US based online clothing store >> You can get 15% off if you use code "twothousandthings".
So how's everybody's weekend? I hope you had a great time :D
So how's everybody's weekend? I hope you had a great time :D