Review: TonyMoly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream
8:44:00 PM
After falling in love with the amazing BB Creams, I turned my head and got curious when the newer version called CC Creams entered the market. I of course wanted to try it out, because I thought it's the more advanced version of BB Creams.
Before I tell you all about it, let's meet my first CC Cream first ;)
Welcoming into my stash, the TonyMoly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream:
Yes, this is my first time (finally!) trying a CC Cream. I've heard about this TonyMoly Pure Aura CC Cream for a while and when I saw it at KoreaBuys website I was so excited.
I like the packaging, it looks sleek and elegant and it comes with a pump dispenser which is so handy and hygienic. Oh I forgot to mention to you that this post is part of my KoreaBuys' series which I have been posting since last week:
As you can see above, I got 4 items from KoreaBuys and I have reviewed the rest of the item on my previous posts. Aside from this TonyMoly Pure Aura CC Cream I also got the TonyMoly Backstage Eyeliner, TonyMoly Tangerine Hand Cream, and Skin Food Black Sugar Wash-Off Mask.
I'll put all the review links at the bottom of this post. Meanwhile, let's continue with this TonyMoly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream review...
I previously mentioned that I first thought that this CC Cream is the new more advanced version of BB Cream. Well, it turned out that I might be wrong. Actually, this is just my personal opinion. I personally wouldn't say that CC Cream is a more developed version of BB Cream because I learned that they are both actually different. While BB Cream stands for Blemish Balm Cream (to cover blemishes), CC Cream stands for Color Correcting Cream (to correct skintone). So that is the basic difference of the creams.
Although both of them boasts the same core which is a "makeup + skincare in one" but they have different main functions. One is for coverage, and the other one is for correcting skin tone. Both of them has skincare infused in them, but CC Cream is infused with more skincare than BB Cream so yeah you might say that CC Cream is an advanced version of BB Cream in terms of skincare.
As I told you above, BB Cream is mainly for covering blemishes so they have medium to strong coverage, while CC Cream on the other hand doesn't really have coverage, they mostly only have mild to medium coverage.
What CC Cream does is correcting your skin color so it would even out your skin from redness, etc. But CC Cream usually have more developed skincare in it, for example this TonyMoly CC Cream has sunscreen, whitening effect, wrinkle repair, brightening and moisturizing properties, as well as functioning as primer and makeup base. Quite amazing, right?
According to the TonyMoly information that I gathered, this CC Cream is an all-in-one cream with the ability to change color matching to your own skin tone as soon as applied on the skin, to offer an innocent and gorgeous look to bare skin.
It is an all-in-one cream that creates smooth and moisturizing skin, it takes care of makeup and skincare at the same time with moisture that remains for hours.
For those of you who would like to know about the ingredients, you can click the photo below to enlarge it.
According to TonyMoly, this Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream has 7 benefits:
- Sunscreen
- Whitening
- Wrinkle Repairs
- Radiance
- Moisture
- Primer
- Makeup Base
It has a high sunscreen properties which is: SPF 30 PA ++ !
And it also has pink flower complex that delivers nutrition to the skin to turn dull skin to gorgeous.
The formula of the CC Cream itself is like a lotion, it's light and it's white! One thing that is very significant is the tiny little black dots on the white formula. I hope you can see the dots on the photo below:
These black dots are supposedly the color changing agent that would spread and disperse, and adjust itself to our skin tone, thus correcting our skin tone.
Below is the photo of when I spread it out:
And here's when I try to blend it out onto my skin:
And here's when I finished blending it out:
As you can see from above photo, the part where I put on the CC Cream looks luminous, but it looks like it accentuates the pores on my skin, so if you have big pores you might want to use a pore refining lotion or another primer before using this CC cream.
And because it has high SPF in it so it tend to show a little bit of white cast to it, but it's still in acceptable level, nothing that makes you look weird or anything like that.
As for the coverage, because CC cream is not made for high coverage so I would say that it has a mild coverage, just perfect if you want a natural look (as if you don't wear any makeup but infact you did ;p). So it might look great with normal skin that has less blemishes. If you have lots of spots and blemishes that you want to conceal then you might layer another makeup and use this CC cream as base. Or just simply opt for BB cream ;p
In the photo above, the left one is the BEFORE photo and the right one is the AFTER photo. I hope you can get the idea of how much coverage it has. On the left picture I had a couple of redness spots as well as little dark spots near the middle of my cheek, and on the right picture after using the CC cream my redness are instantly gone and my little dark spots are less visible. My skin is also smoother and more even-out after using the CC cream.
Here I also included a photo of me when using the CC cream only on one side of my face so that you can see the difference:
First of all, please excuse my heavy dark circle >__<
Second of all, this is when I just put on the CC cream so it hasn't been absorbed fully by my skin. Meaning: you can see that it still look somewhat overly white in this photo, but believe me, a few minutes later it blends in well with my skin tone and it's not overly white anymore.
Here's another BEFORE and AFTER photo of me after I use the CC cream evenly on both sides of my face:
See? it blends in pretty well after a few minutes, right?
You can see that I have an overall dull appearance and several tiny imperfections all over my face before I put on the CC cream. And after I put it on, my face looks glowy and smooth and somehow looks like I have natural healthy skin, LOL.
It also brighten my complexion in a natural way so no more dull-looking skin for me ;p
I mentioned above that because of the high SPF it can show white cast on photos especially if you use flash or if there's a very bright light in front of you. But it's not like those ugly white cast like the ones you see on celebrities failed photos (;p), but it's more like a super bright whitecast like this:
I personally don't consider it as a problem because when I posted this photo on my instagram and path and my other social media platforms, many people actually compliment it ;p
Overall, I really like this TonyMoly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream because it gives me natural healthy dewy looking skin, it's like "my own skin, but better" ;D
I also like how light it feels on the skin. The staying power is not bad too. And I love how it has SPF in it and a whole bunch of other skincare properties that would surely gives benefit for my skin. I always love all-in-one products and this one is surely on my recommendation list ;p
If you're interested to try this CC cream you can buy it at KoreaBuys website HERE. Meanwhile, you can also read my reviews on the other three items that I got from Korea Buys this month:
So which one would you choose?
A natural look with CC Cream or a coverage with BB Cream? Lemme know in the comments below ;)

16 thoughts & comments
Vote for cc cream!! Lagi nyobain yg punya rachel k, dan sejauh ini hasilnya bagus.. Banyak yang bilang tony moly bagus jadi pingin nyobain juga he3.. Btw I loveeee your last pict! Very pretty yuri :)
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I like this statement! :D
ReplyDelete"It has a high sunscreen properties which is: SPF 30 PA ++ !"
My sister, please follow me back ..
Oh my..This CC Cream is very nice! Your skin looks brighter and smoother.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your opinion about CC and BB Cream? Who's the winner?
Yes, you can get free product from TFS by become a friend in Kakao^^
Dreamy Princess
The CC Cream looks great on you! :)
ReplyDeleteaaah akhirnya dipost juga :)
ReplyDeletekayaknya harus beli nih, aku lagi pesen yg etude, tapi blom sampai :( coba baca review kamu dulu yur hehehe pasti pesennya yg ini :p
foto yg didalem mobil cantik :)
aku baru nyobainn cc cream dr face shop, tp kayaknya si tony moly lbh bagus, want to trryy kkke~
@Shasha: Thank you Sha! Yang Rachel K malah aku belum pernah nyobain, denger2 bagus juga ya itu..
ReplyDelete@KStylick: Thanks a lot dear!
@KarLina: LOL, thank you dear :)
@DreamyPrincess: thanks for letting me know about the kakao talk. As for me I really like them both but for the mean time I would prefer a bb cream because I need more coverage on my current skin condition, LOL. But CC Cream is great for daily use when I don't want a coverage.
@Ahleessa: Thank you darling, I like it too :)
@Winda: Makasih windaa.. ahaha.. :) Yang etude aku belum pernah coba, jadi penasaran hehe
@Nurina: Gimana yang CC Cream face shop, bagus juga nggak hasilnya?
Hello just wanna ask..
ReplyDeleteCC Cream tony moly ini cocok ga untuk kulit berminyak? thank you :)
@Adeline: Hai Adeline, kebetulan kulitku kombinasi oily dan di aku sih cocok-cocok aja. Nggak bikin break out ataupun jadi tambah oily atau oxidized. Untuk menghindari break out yang penting bersihinnya aja yang musti bener2 bersih (kalau perlu double cleansing alias dibersihin dengan makeup remover + face wash biar benar2 bersih).
ReplyDeleteOiya, kalau aku pakai CC cream ini selalu diakhiri dengan loose powder juga untuk nahan supaya ga cepet berminyak hehe Lumayan staying power nya kalau di aku ;)
Hope this helps yaa..
nice review.... i love cc creams
The Blah Queen
Lakme CC Cream Review
That was a great review! Thanks for your time :)
ReplyDeletei just wanna ask... is it ok to use bb cream as base then cc cream after?
ReplyDelete@The Blah Queen: Thank you for stopping by and commenting dear, I love it too :)
ReplyDelete@Ricci: Thank you darling :)
@Anonymous: I personally think that CC cream should be applied first before the BB Cream because BB Cream usually have more coverage than CC creams, so in my opinion it's wiser to put BB Cream the last, to add more coverage to the skin ;)
Mbak beli di Korea buys berapa mbak?? Korea buys asli kan mbak??
ReplyDelete@Sherzinger: Iya KoreaBuys asli kok, karena barangnya dari Korea langsung. Sekarang lagi sale tuh say, dari dua ratusan jadi 164ribuan :)
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
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