[Outfit Diary] : Road Trip / Temples Vacation Trip
6:24:00 PM
Hey you guys, long time no see...
So I've been traveling a couple days ago and it was our first road trip just the two of us! Usually we did road trips with our family, but this time it was only us both and we drove with our own car for a total of more than 8 hours in one day (*eek!). But all is well, and I think our first road trip was a success, and we can't wait to do it again!
Anyway, what's your go to choice when it comes to summer holiday / vacation ? Well I personally like to packed up light breezy dresses when I'm on vacation, because it packed super easy and would not take much space on the suitcase / travel bag, and it's super comfortable when the weather gets hot (^o^).
You can see from my previous vacation trips on IG (@yurikristia) that I frequently wear dresses during vacation. Not only it is practical and easy breezy, it would also look better in photos!
Here is an example of what I wore during this road trip. We went on a "Java Overland" trip, visiting Semarang, Magelang, Bantul, and Yogyakarta. Our vacay trip this time were focusing on temples and historical sites, because we both love history. I already went to these places back when I was a child and then back again when I was a nonchalant teenager, so I wanted to go back again now as an adult who loves history, so I can understand the background story of these places in a much better understanding.
I also wanted to visit the temples again because they are all in a better condition now compared to what I saw the last time I was there. And they are being maintained very well now, so I'm so happy to be back to these places again now that it's more beautiful than the last time.
First stop is Semarang, a small city that we stopped by for lunch on our way to Magelang (Borobudur temple). Too bad we didn't have much time in Semarang due to the earlier traffic we had on our way here, although I would love to explore this city more, because it's an old city and lots of historical buildings here with colonial European vibes. Oh well, maybe next time!
Top: DailyStripe.id | Jeans: Bangkok Store
Bag: from Bali | Wedges: Elle
For the road trip itself I chose jeans as it is more comfortable to be sitting in a car for long hours in jeans than in skirts/dresses. This is a pearl-studded ripped jeans which is actually one size too small on me but I wore it anyway because it's a new purchase haha!
The palm print long sleeve tee I wore is very cheap! They come in lots of different prints and the fabrics are actually pretty nice and breezy too! Bought them from an online store (Daily Stripe) just before we departed for our road trip and they came just in time!
Then we went to Magelang and stayed in a beautiful resort type accommodation called Rumah Boedi (review will be up soon on my travel blog : Tigerlily's Book. Go Subscribe!). The place we stayed at was very beautiful and serene, we loved it so much! Located in the middle of a "kampong" or local village, and surrounded by beautiful gardens with Javanese-meets-Balinese decor vibes. Such a very lovely place. We also met the owner by accident and then became instant friends! and chat over dinner at the beautiful Javanese pavillion restaurant. Such a hidden gem indeed!
Top: dailystripe.id | Skirt: Bangkok store
Hat: Miniso | Shoes: Onitsuka Tiger Paraty
Anyway, this is a place where you just want to enjoy the "kampong" style surrounding in a resort type environment. They have well-manicured garden and many hidden spots where you can take pictures all you want, LOL!
Just look at above photos, if I didn't tell you that this was in Magelang, Central Java, you would probably have guessed this was taken in Bali, no? #MagelangRasaBali :)
Also, on the above photo I wore another long sleeve t-shirt from Daily Stripe, but this one is in a slightly different pattern from the one I wore in Semarang. And because it's a little bit too loose on me so I decided to fold it into a knot to make a cropped version to be paired with my toile skirt (Ooh I love toile print!!).
Top & Bottom: Dior Rodeo Set
Sandals: Tory Burch | Clutch: Coach
Above photos are still from the Rumah Boedi many instagrammable spots 😊 I wore another toile print but this time it's a set. I love wearing sets because I am a matchy-matchy person, LOL. I love it when it matches!
This toile print is being popularised again by the house of Dior. And I am thankful for that! Because I have loved toile print since a long time ago, but mostly in decor / interior items because that's where we usually see them. But now thanks to Dior who brings it back into fashion. I can now wear toile without worrying anyone would tell me that I look like a sofa or a curtain 😝
So I wore two of my favorite things on the above photos :
1. Toile Print
2. Matching Sets!
Dress: Self Portrait lookalike but it's actually from an online store
T-shirt (worn underneath): Pull & Bear | Bag: from Bali
Hat: Miniso | Sandals: Tory Burch
So the next morning we went to Borobudur which is our main destination here in Magelang. It is located around 10 minutes from Rumah Boedi by car, so it was very convenient staying there. We got to Borobudur at around 10 am but the place was already jammed packed with so many visitors! Apparently there's a festival currently going on at the temple (and it was a Sunday too) so there were sooooo manyyyyy people there I almost had a panic attack (I was lost and got separated from my family in a crowded place once as a child, so it was traumatising for me being around a very crowded place). And it was scorching hot too but luckily I brought my hat with me (although it didn't do nothing because the hat was small and the sun was over heating, LOL).
But luckily we found a less crowded alley in one of the platform (Borobudur is consisted of 9 terraced platforms) so we can took a breath and shots some nice pictures (and videos too!).
Matching Blue Stripe Dress & Hat, yayy! 😀
Our third destination after Semarang and Magelang is Yogyakarta (all the three cities are located in Central Java), but before we go to Yogyakarta we went to Bantul first. Bantul is located at the Southern part and about 45 minutes to 1 hour from Yogyakarta. There was a little mishaps before we arrived in Bantul. We were so hungry and tired from our drive all the way from Magelang, and it was already late in the afternoon and our feet ached from circling Borobudur and it was a super long way out through the market just to reach the exit. And then it took a long time to arrived in our destined eating place that was already in my itinerary which is the popular Sate Klathak Pak Pong.
BUT, turned out that the place is WAYYY more popular than I imagined because it was already past lunch time and there was still a 2 hour queue just to get your food! So, no way we were gonna wait for another 2 hours just to get food while we're already way beyond our schedule too. So we decided to just hop on the car again and find another place to eat. We were already super tired and super hungry so we were in a bad mood. And then I have no idea where else we're gonna eat because I didn't search for alternative places, so it took a while to search and browse some restaurants near the area. And when we found one it includes a wrong way from GPS map that we need to turn around to avoid a dead end. It was so hectic. Finally we found another sate klathak not so far from Pak Pong and located at a main road so it's easy to find. Full story would be in my other blog : Tigerlily's Book (pls subscribe).
Anyway, our mood was back to normal after we're done eating and sipping iced sweetened tea. It was already around 5 pm in the afternoon and we were already late from our itinerary schedule so I was contemplating whether or not we should still go to Bantul, because the sun was already started to set in and I don't wanna be there when it's dark. Bantul is where all the flower fields are. So I think it would lost the point if we got there when it's dark because then we couldn't see the flowers and it would be impossible to take pictures too.
But hubby said "let's just try to get there first. Maybe we can get there just in time before dark". So we finally went there and when we arrived and took some try out photos I'm glad that we finally decided to just go ahead and come there. Apparently, I didn't have to worry about the sky would be dark when we arrived, turned out that the sky was beautiful instead. It was golden hour and it sets a beautiful cascading lights through the field, the photos came out beautiful even before editing 😍
Dress: via Shopee | T-shirt (worn underneath): Pull & Bear
Bag: from Bali | Headband: via Shopee
Finally we made it to our last destination of this road trip which was Yogyakarta or Jogja. We arrived there at night from Bantul and went straight to the 'Bed & Breakfast" for a quick check-in before heading out again for a late meal. We cancelled several itineraries in this trip because we end up behind schedule so there was just simply no time to do all the planned itinerary. But it's okay, the most important thing is we had fun! And oh well, it just means more road trips ahead! :)
The place we stayed in Jogja called itself a "Bed n Brasserie", so I take it as a "bed n breakfast" type accommodation. I searched for unique places to stay during this trip and skipped hotel rooms because it is boring (hehe) and decided to try some new places. I originally wanted to try Air B&B but at the last minutes decided to booked ones from Agoda. The place we stayed in Jogja is called "Omah Njonja", it has a very detailed Peranakan style (more specific review would be uploaded on my travel blog: Tigerlily's Book).
Top: Marc by Marc Jacobs | Skirt: Bangkok store (repeats)
Sandals: Tory Burch | Hair pins: via Carousell
As our road trip this time was focused on culture so we went to Taman Sari water castle. I think I've been here before when I was a child but I didn't understand much about the place. So I decided to come here again and yes the place was crowded already even though it was just 10 am in the morning and the place was open at 9 am. We didn't hire a guide but we just eaves dropped whenever there's a guide explaining things to his group, hehe..
As I told you, dresses is your best friend when it's hot and humid outside. It's more breezy than wearing pants, and more modest than shorts. Because when you're visiting culture sites or sacred sites (such as Keraton palace or Bali temples) they would usually require you to cover your shorts with fabrics that usually prepared at the site, so that's why I always choose dresses instead.
Dress: Velvet House | T-Shirt (worn underneath): Zara
Bag: from Bali | Sandals: Tory Burch
Hair band: via Shopee
We also went to Sumur Gumuling which is still in the same location as Taman Sari water castle. There's an interesting story about this water castle, but I'll keep it for my travel blog :)
We also had lunch at a restaurant located inside the Keraton palace complex, eating food from the same recipes that were made for the Sultan and his family. So we get to enjoy what the Javanese Sultan eats too. I think if you come to Jogja and visited the Keraton and then the water castle and its surrounding area, you should also dine here at Bale Raos inside the Keraton palace complex because it would complete your Keraton experience :)
Last but not least, the final place that we visited before driving back to our hometown was Prambanan temple. Located not far from the city Prambanan temple is not as crowded as Borobudur. I personally prefer Prambanan than Borobudur. I think Borobudur is more "majestic" but Prambanan is more mysterious yet beautiful at the same time.
Both temples has different styles although they were both made from stones. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple while Prambanan is a Hindu temple. So Borobudur is unique with it's mega structure appearance and it's many stuppas and Buddha statues inside it, while Prambanan is consisted of several individual temples with either a deity or mythical creature inside each individual temple. Prambanan is also tied with the Loro Jonggrang story with her 1000 temples request.
Top: Velvet House | Pants: Pomelo
Bag: from Bali | Hat: borrowed from hubby
Sandals: Tory Burch
Prambanan also makes more beautiful picturesque shots, and the sand between the temples also adds a mysterious feel to the photo. Looks like Lara Croft x Indiana Jones adventures, right? (^o^)
Anyway, I have a "safari look" in mind for the Prambanan shoots, and can you believe that this linen Safari style top is only IDR 83,000 ? It's cheap and it looks good paired with my Pomelo high waist pants in similar shade. I also borrowed hubby's hat because the color suits my outfit more than my own hat. I have this habit of buying new clothes just before I went to vacation, so that I can take photographs in new clothes, and this top is one of them (along with all the dresses you saw in this post, hehe). *janganditiru* 😁
So that's it for my Road Trip OOTD post!
I also have anothe post coming up about my Post-Traveling Skincare Routine, so please stay tune for that. Meanwhile, don't forget to also check out my travel blog and subscribe there : Tigerlily's Book.
If you'd like to see my previous Lombok Vacay OOTD post, click here :)
Hugs n Kissies',

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