Beauty Hauls: Bath & Body Works
3:03:00 AM
This is a part of my long postponed Black Friday Sale hauls which I purchased back on winter 2012 ;p Yes, it was so long ago but I just recently received all of them completely because I have them shipped separately to cut the shipping process.
Black friday sale is one of the biggest sale in the US, and I took some advantages from the black friday sale because the sales were amazingly huge and not to be missed.
Bath & Body Works (BBW) is one of the store who would usually have the biggest sales and promotions, and people would line up for hours just to be in the store during the black friday sale. Because I don't live in US so I purchased this lot from their online store which also offer huge discounts and promo at the time. There were actually a lot of things that I wanted to buy including their famous candles, but I have to consider the shipping therefore I didn't picked up the candles which would be heavy. Because of the same reason I could only purchase a few items that have the deepest discounts. So here's what I managed to get during the big sale:
Bath & Body Works (BBW) is one of the store who would usually have the biggest sales and promotions, and people would line up for hours just to be in the store during the black friday sale. Because I don't live in US so I purchased this lot from their online store which also offer huge discounts and promo at the time. There were actually a lot of things that I wanted to buy including their famous candles, but I have to consider the shipping therefore I didn't picked up the candles which would be heavy. Because of the same reason I could only purchase a few items that have the deepest discounts. So here's what I managed to get during the big sale:
They were having great promo packages so I managed to get the promo items and purchased them with such cheap prices. I also got a $5 discount from a previous order so I got this lot even cheaper ;p
The first thing I was after from the BBW sale is of course their signature Anti-Bacterial Pocket Hand Sanitizers. I love these pocket hand-bacs and I use them all the time especially when I'm outside because I'm a bit of a germ-freak and I needed my hands to be clean all the time ;p
The HandBacs were on sale for $1 - $2 each but there were also some bundle sets in which you could get them for a more economical price. After some browsing around I finally decided to get this 5-pack Holiday Treats Bundle HandBac Sanitizers. After the extra discount that I had, I got this bundle set for just $3.75 only ! (for 5 piece HandBacs!).
The pocket HandBac itself would sell for around @ $3,5 here in my country, so to be able to get them in less than a dollar each really makes me very happy ;)
The first thing I was after from the BBW sale is of course their signature Anti-Bacterial Pocket Hand Sanitizers. I love these pocket hand-bacs and I use them all the time especially when I'm outside because I'm a bit of a germ-freak and I needed my hands to be clean all the time ;p
The HandBacs were on sale for $1 - $2 each but there were also some bundle sets in which you could get them for a more economical price. After some browsing around I finally decided to get this 5-pack Holiday Treats Bundle HandBac Sanitizers. After the extra discount that I had, I got this bundle set for just $3.75 only ! (for 5 piece HandBacs!).
The pocket HandBac itself would sell for around @ $3,5 here in my country, so to be able to get them in less than a dollar each really makes me very happy ;)
This "Anti-Bac Holiday Treats Bundle" set have a winter themed scents (because it was still winter time when I bought these).
I didn't know what each scent would smells like when I purchased this bundle, but I know I would love them because from my past experience I always like BBW winter-themed scents. I have tried a few of their past christmas / winter themed scents (such as the Mistletoe Kiss which is my fave!) and to me they all smells pretty great. The names of these scents also very interesting to me so I chose this set instead of the others that are available on the website.
from left to right:
Fresh Sparkling Snow
Sparkling Pink Champagne
Candy Cane Bliss
Holly Berry Wreath
Winter Cranberry
I've sniffed all of them and I am so lucky because I basically love any one of them. Winter / Christmas scents are totally right up my alley and I can not go wrong with them ;p My most favorite would be the Fresh Sparkling Snow and the Holly Berry Wreath.
Aside from the signature PocketBac, I also love BBW Foamy Hand Wash because I've tried it before and I really like it, especially my hubby. They also sell the usual hand soap but this ones are called "Anti-bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap". The texture may look like it's very watery in the bottle but once pumped into your hands and mixed with water it would turn into a foam and gives a foamy lather which feels quite luxurious if I may say so ;)
I know it's just a hand soap but it's very different from the regular hand soap that we have here. I also frequently wash my hands during the day so I always use hand soap regularly, and that's why I thought I would be able to enjoy these soaps, so they are not just a fancy soap for me because I do enjoy a good hand soap.
These were also on huge discount and it was a package-deal too. I think this was about "$10 for 4", or maybe "$12 for 4"or something like that. So I picked four of these foaming hand soaps which I know both me and my husband would enjoy together.
The bottles were actually pretty big so it was really worth the discounted price. It was a 8.75 oz / 259 ml, so the big bottle would also last for quite a long time. After figuring out which scents to choose from (because there are many of them!), I decided to pick these ones based on the scent name and also the design on the bottle. #obsessedwithpackaging ^0^
Fresh Sparkling Snow
I love the design on the Fresh Sparkling Snow and it was also the reason why I chose the Handbac with this same scent. The blue color and the icy cool snow design on the front really interest me. And I knew my gut is right because when I sniffed the HandBac version of this scent I immediately fell in love ;)
Iced Ginger Bread
looks very christmas-y to me and I seem to always like a "christmas
scent" because I imagine they would be some kind of warming scents. So
that's why I decided to get this one. You might also remember when I
bought The Body Shop Ginger Sparkle Body Wash because of the same reason ;p Warm ginger scent always intrigues me somehow.
Cranberry Tangerine
This bottle along with the Citrus Garland below have a different design style because they came from a special edition set. I really like the design because it's a little bit vintage-y to me (which I love!). The orange color and the name Cranberry Tangerine also really tickle my fancy ;p
Citrus Garland
I was having a "yes-or-no" moment with this one. I hate artificial citrus scent because most of the time my stomach can't handle it, but I really love the color and design of this bottle so bad. Actually this is my favorite design from all of the foaming hand soap bottles, so it was a pretty hard decision, but in the end I guess my passion for artistic flare obviously beats my nose and logic ;p
And last but not least, I also got another package-deal which is basically to choose any 3 products that you like from the selections and then only paid $2.50 for each. They are in travel / smaller size (3 oz - 88 ml) packaging so they are not too small at all. Rather a medium size bottle if I may say so. And I thought it was a great chance to try a couple of items from BBW that I've been wanting to try, without hurting the wallet so much ;p
So here are the three products that I chose (for $2.50 each) from the many selections they offered during that time:
Sweet Pea Body Lotion
I have been curious with the BBW Sweet Pea scent which is one of their best-seller scent. It's one of BBW classic scent which everyone seems to enjoy. So this is the first item that I put in my shopping cart without a second thought ;p Now I finally know how this Sweet Pea smells like. It's a very nice sweet scent which is not over the top. It's a little bit powdery and it's between girly and feminine. No wonder lots of people love this ;)
Frosted Snowberry Fragrance Mist
This is another product that I picked up because of the winter-themed scent and the pretty blue bottle design ;p Christmas/Winter themed scents are my weaknesses, I don't know why, I don't even have winter here in my country ;p Anyway, I also love the blue color and the design on the bottle. The name Frosted Snowberry is also what interest me in the first place. It turns out that THIS is my most favorite item from the lot! I really really adore the scent so much! I wish this is not a limited edition scent because I would certainly stock up on this one for sure.
Sea Island Cotton Shower Gel
The Sea Island Cotton is a scent that I also always wonder what it would smells like. I saw these a lot in other people's hauls and that makes me curious even more. I always thought that it would smells like a clean fresh scent, but it turns out that it smells like a detergent to me. So this is my least favorite product from the lot, but luckily my hubby really like the scent so he would happily use this. I'm just glad that this shea-enriched shower gel gets to be used so this is not a useless purchase.
So that's it for my Bath & Body Works hauls. I love BBW and I wish they would open their store here like Victoria's Secret. I also wish I could try more of their products because they have many variations of products and they seems to have endless variants of scents! They always have new scents to try as well as keeping the old classic ones which are one of their best-seller scents.
How about you? Do you also love Bath & Body Works? Which product or which scent do you love?
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