Review: Mustika Ratu Kopi Body Soap
5:31:00 AMShort info for my International readers: Mustika Ratu is a local semi high-end brand here in Indonesia. They are focusing on products with main ingredients of local spices that has been part of Indonesian's history since the Javanese princesses era. Javanese princesses are known for their beauty and grace. In fact, the owner of the Mustika Ratu brand is a modern-day generation of those Javanese princess who once lived in a Javanese palace.
The company developed their products from traditional beauty recipes that has been handed down from generation to generation inside the owner's family. Their products range from skincare, makeup, Spa products, and health / beauty supplements in the form of Jamu.
Back to the product, I first fell in love with the famous Mustika Ratu Coffee Scrub so I thought maybe the coffee soap bar would be as great as the scrub, and so I decided to try it.
This Mustika Ratu Coffee / Kopi Body Soap is available on big supermarkets such as Carrefour, Giant, etc. Or you could also get it via their online store.
The price of the soap is around IDR 16.000 - 17.000. It's expensive for a soap bar but since it is a high-end brand I thought maybe it's worth it.
On the package it says:
"coffee extract's key skincare benefits lie in its caffeine and anti-oxidant concentration. Mustika Ratu Kopi Body Soap with its soft foam cleanses the skin from any impurities and helps maintain its firmness. Also enjoy its sensational coffee fragrance."
Well first of all, I love the packaging of all Mustika Ratu products! I'm a packaging whore (LOL) so I always appreciate a great packaging. And second of all, I love how Mustika Ratu's products are made from traditional Indonesian recipes using local Indonesian spices and plants as the main ingredients.
This Kopi Body Soap is a transparent soap and has a light greenish-brown color. The transparent color of the soap immediately tells me that this is a glycerin-type soap, which means that this soap is not made from all natural ingredients, there are some chemicals added in, just like most of other soaps. So if you expect an all natural / organic soap bar then this is not for you. You can see the full ingredients below (click for bigger picture):
My Take:
The scent of the soap is almost as similar as the coffee scrub but this one is less fragrant (hampir sama dengan wangi permen Kopiko). I can sniff the wonderful smell of coffee from the box, and I love the smell of coffee! But unfortunately, as soon as I use this soap in the shower the wonderful coffee scent disappear. It is not as fragrant as it was before being used (boohoo..).
I could smell a faint coffee scent when I sniffed the soap in the shower, but the scent did not linger long, once I got out of the shower the scent is completely gone. Padahal justru saya beli sabun ini karena pengen cium bau kopi nya huhuhu..
I could smell a faint coffee scent when I sniffed the soap in the shower, but the scent did not linger long, once I got out of the shower the scent is completely gone. Padahal justru saya beli sabun ini karena pengen cium bau kopi nya huhuhu..
I love how this soap lathers in the shower but I hate how it seems to draws out natural oils from my skin because after every shower my skin feels very tight and dry (kulit malah jadi kering, kesat dan gak moist), so i have to put on body lotion straightly afterwards to return the moist and to avoid over-drying my skin.
It also leaves some kind of crystalline residue on top of the soap after several times of usage. I don't know what it is though, but I never saw other soaps has these kind of thing:
What do you think that is? I'm sure it's not scrubs ;p
Overall, I'm not really fond of this soap because for the high price of it this doesn't really give me much except for the anti-oxidant property. The scent is not there anymore after you use it in the shower, and it also dries up my skin which is a disappointment for me. So I would probably just stick on the Coffee Scrub version instead of buying this Kopi Body Soap again.

2 thoughts & comments
Belum pernah nyoba yang ini, pernahnya pake yang zaitun. Itu juga bikin kulit kering (dan parahnya kulita saya yang sensitif jadi gatel2). (-_-"). Tapi body scrub & body butternya lumayan bagus... =)
ReplyDeleteHi Carryn,
ReplyDeleteAku malah belum pernah nyobain yg zaitun, tapi kayanya sabunnya mustika ratu ini emang rata2 cenderung bikin kering ya? Eh tapi aku nyobain yang pepaya kayanya lumayan deh, abis mandi masih berasa kesat dan ga moisturized sih tapi at least nggak kering banget kaya sabun kopi ini ;p
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