New Haul / Online Shop Review: Best Buy World Indonesia
10:16:00 PMI love shopping online (I even created my own online shop back in 2008!). I have shopped in numerous websites from small online stores in Multiply market, to professional webstores (like this one), to eBay, etc.. and luckily I have no unpleasant experience (except for this one).
Well I did have a few disappointing purchases because let's admit it, the weakness of online shopping is you can't see the product in it's true form, and you can't try it on before you buy. And because Indonesia doesn't have a return policy so this online shopping is a little bit tricky. You must really know your true size and you must have a really clear idea on what you like and what you don't like.
So anyway, I would like to share my experience when shopping at Best Buy World Indonesia. I don't know if it is related to the famous American "Best Buy" store (which is known for affordable price with good quality), but I noticed from their website that this version of Best Buy World is also available in Singapore, and Malaysia. I actually haven't heard about this website before so this is my first time experience shopping there.
On the website they offer products from cosmetics, skincare, healthcare, fragrances, accessories, bags & purses, food & beverages, as well as home & electronics. I noticed that they also sell sample size or travel size products of fragrance, skincare and cosmetics.
The product options are moderate. I hate it when an online beauty store doesn't have too many options on their store, but this one have enough product varieties to browse from.
So anyway, I finally made my order and here is the package they came in :
The package came in an ordinary brown paper wrap. The delivery shipment was an average 3 - 4 days. The payment was via a bank transfer. They also accept COD or Cash On Delivery for Jakarta Pusat / Jakarta Selatan addresses. They currently do not accept Paypal or Credit Card payment.
Once you finalize your order they will send you email notification telling you what to do next. And after the payment has been made they will also sent you email notification to let you know that your order is being processed.
Back to the package, inside the brown paper wrap were the products I ordered, fully wrapped in a thick bubble wrap. It also comes with a receipt of the purchase.
And here is what I ordered from Best Buy World Indonesia:
- Christian Dior DiorSnow Global White Reveal Program, IDR 114.000
- Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-In-Place Eye Pencil in 01 Onyx, IDR 68.000
- Marc Jacobs's Daisy Gold cosmetic case, IDR 154.000
I know it was a pricey purchase, I originally just want to buy the DiorSnow White Reveal set but apparently Best Buy World Indo have a certain policy :
"Free Shipping to all Jakarta area for a minimum IDR 300.000 order.
If less than IDR 300.000, Delivery Fee will be charged."
I thought: okay that's fair enough.
The Dior Snow set was only IDR 114.000 so with my Tangerang address I would probably be charged additional IDR 10.000 for shipping, just like any other online store.
So I put in the DiorSnow set on my cart and continue to the check out page. And you know what happened?
On the check out page, it said that because my order was less than IDR 300.000 so I was charged with additional fee of IDR 100.000 !!
What kind of additional fee or delivery charge that can be as much as IDR 100.000 ???
This is the first store that I know to have such ridiculous charge like that.
So the bottom line is:
It seems that they have a minimum order of IDR 300.000, but why don't they tell us anything about it on their main page? If they put that notification somewhere on their main page I wouldn't be bothered of browsing their store trying to find something that I could buy. Is there anybody who would want to pay additional IDR 100.000 for something that they buy less than IDR 300.000 ?
If I had not really want the DiorSnow set I would not continue with the purchase, but since I have browsed around and did not found the Dior Snow set in any of the other beauty online stores so I hate to admit that the set is only available on the Best Buy World Indo.
And I thought, okay I have no other choice except to fill my cart so that it reached minimum of IDR 300.000.
And that's why I added the Marc Jacob's Daisy pouch and the Estee Lauder Double Wear Eye Pencil. I live in Tangerang area so the free shipping doesn't apply to me. I got an additional shipping charge of IDR 6.000.
So that's why I consider this purchase a splurge for me because I originally dont want to spend that much but I had to, because the set that I want is only available there and I was in need of a new skincare regimen at that time.
The products:
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DiorSnow White Reveal Program Set |
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Marc Jacob's Daisy Gold Pouch (for my makeup case) |
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Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-In-Place Eye Pencil in 01 Onyx |
And as if it weren't enough unpleasant shopping experience, when I got the package one of the tube in the DiorSnow set can not be used at all !
The DiorSnow Essence which has a pumped bottle won't dispense anything no matter how much I tried to pump it out, it's like an empty bottle with no content inside.
Maybe it was my bad luck so I received a damaged product, or maybe it was because another reason, but all I know is I had a purchase that I can not use! And I was too late to learn that they actually have a return policy in which you can return it if you got a damaged product by the time you received it.
Overall, I personally a little bit disappointed with Best Buy World Indonesia. They should have stated clearly on the main page that they will charge IDR 100.000 for order less than IDR 300.000.
Their price is also a little bit pricier than other beauty online store, but they do have a few products that's hard to find anywhere else such as the DiorSnow set (although I can't use one of the tube).
I'm also a little bit disappointed with the damaged product and with their package service in which they sent the package in a plain cheap brown paper. I wouldn't mind a brown paper package if it was from a small online store, but this is a big professional online store, some personalized little details would be nice for personal touch.
Again, this is based on my own experience, so anybody else might not have the experience I had. But due to all the reasons above I probably won't be shopping there again in the near future.
Who might shop here: People who wants to spend big and have a Jakarta address so you'll get free shipping, and people who are looking for less expensive fragrance and/or makeup pouches because they have lots of cute branded makeup pouches there.

15 thoughts & comments
wow. thx for reviewing dear. jadi makin hati2 kalo nanti mau order barang. i can see the site have a good items that i willing to try. tapi uda tau gt jadi mikir lagi, hehe :P
ReplyDeleteHehe sebenernya gapapa sih Fel, kalo emang rencana mau beli banyak atau mau beli yg seharga 300ribu ke atas krn alamat Jakarta kan dpt free shipping. Tapi berhubung aku awalnya cuma niat mau beli si DiorSnow jadinya berasa rugi bgt musti spent more than I originally want to spend huhuhu Ditambah aku nya lagi sial aja kayanya dapet damaged product, wewww -__-
Anyway, thanks for stopping by ya Felicia :)
hmmm... agak curang jg ya sellernya.. =.=
@Xiao Vee: Nggak curang sih, mungkin cuma kurang informatif aja jadi bikin bad experience hehe Sama kayanya aku sial aja dapet produk yang cacat huhuhu ;p
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by ya Xiao Vee :)
Hallo Mbak,
ReplyDeleteIseng2 gugel Bestbuy World Indonesia mendarat di sini :D
Aku juga mau share pengalamanku jadinya. Sebenarnya aku udah lama belanja di BBWI, dah sejak awal 2010. Cuman ga rutin. Nah, kemaren itu pengen belanja lagi. Lucunya adalah: aku dikirimin invoice aja udah jam 4 sore, trus jam 5.30 sore udah dikirimin email lagi, yg kira2 bilang kalo sampai detik itu mereka belum menerima pembayaranku. Katanya pelunasan ditunggu atau nanti orderku dicancel. Kaget aja bacanya, hehee... masa' klien cuman dikasi waktu 1,5 jam utk melunasi pembayaran (emg dikiranya rumahku di sebelah ATM kali ya, atau semua pelanggan punya akses ke Internet banking). Belanja di olshop manapun aku ga pernah ngalamin kayak gini :( So akhirnya aku gak jadi bayar hari itu...
Yg lebih parah... setelah aku order ulang, barang baru nyampe 8 hari (ampuuun ga pernah order barang nyampenya selama ini, padahal masih Jabotabek)...
Aku setuju soal "keanehan" belanja kurang dari 300rb yg dicharge 100rb (kalo ga salah) yg ditulis sebagai delivery fee. Amit2 deh, itu pengiriman ke Timor Leste aja ga dicharge sampe segitu hahaa... Akhirnya mau ga mau kita genapkan belanjaan kita jd 300rb. Sebenarnya bukan masalah 300rb nya sih, tapi akan lebih enak jika sejak awal ditulis: "Minimal belanja Rp 300rb", kita juga ngerti kok. Gak perlu pake embel2 free delivery (yg cuman senilai Rp 6,000) atau "Jika kurang dari Rp 300rb akan dikenakan delivery fee." Padahal delivery fee yg dimaksud udah bukan standar delivery lagi... :D
Ujung2nya kan jadi aneh aja di mata konsumen hehee...
@Dwana: I couldn't agree more with you! ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you udah share pengalamanmu disini yaa..
Thanks for the information, by the way, are you really sure they sell original product? thaaaaaanks ^_^
ReplyDelete@Novian: Kalau lihat dari barang yang aku terima sih asli kok. Kalau pas waktu itu aku sempat lihat2 di website-nya dan setelah browsing sana-sini, doing my own research before buying, aku yakin kalau yg mereka jual itu asli dan makanya aku purchase disitu ;)
ReplyDeleteHope this helps yaa..
sist habis kita order dan transfer ( aku luar kota jakarta) kita dapet pemberitahuan lg gak sih via email bahwa orderan kita mau dikirim kpn sama best buy nya, ak konfirmasi via CS nya koq gak diangkat2 ya? thanks :)
ReplyDeletemau share nih, aku order di bbw indonesia total 392.000 uda dpt invoice dan sudah kutransfer eh 3 jam kemudian baru dapet order update suruh transfer ongkir lagi 16.000 katanya kalo order diatas 300.000 bebas ongkir gimana sih...kecewa jg sama bbw...mana responnya lama lagi...
ReplyDeletemau ralat komen aku diatas, trnyta BBWI recomended koq, aku yg slh baca rules ongkirnya, pesanan cepet sampe cuma 3 hari, bahkan pesenanku slh kirim sama BBWI suruh balikin n ongkirku diganti trs dikirim pesanan yang bener, Recomended bgt trnyta BBWI :)
ReplyDeleteHi... terimakasih atas reviewnya kami dari Sangat mengejutkan sekali saya ketika membaca bahwa ada additional fee sebesar Rp.100.000 untuk pembelian item tersebut. Kami sudah cek dengan nomer order tersebut dan pada data kami untuk ongkir sebesar 6000 jadi total pembayaran yg ditransfer pada saat itu Rp. 342.000 (sudah termasuk ongkir).
ReplyDeleteDan mengenai untuk pembelian dibawah Rp.300.000 memang kami kenakan ongkos COD sebesar Rp.10.000 + packing fee Rp.5000 tapi kami tidak pernah menarik sampai Rp. 100.000 untuk additional fee.
Untuk respon Customer service, kami akan terus tingkatkan pelayanan kami yang tentu hanya kita layani pada saat jam kerja senin-jumat dari jam 9-5sore atau bisa juga menggunakan pop up chat di web kami namun terimakasih atas review dan masukannya untuk kemudian kami tingkatkan pelayanannya.
terimakasih atas reviewnya :)
Hi, girls..
ReplyDeleteaku tau pun dari google
Mau share aja nih sekarang berubah banyak.
Ga ada lagi minimum pembelanjaan.
Kalo ada cuma Rp. 5.000 untuk pembelanjaan dibawah Rp. 300.000 dan katanya biaya itu buat biaya packing (buat beli bubble & plastik deh kayanya, masuk akal sih :P )
Yang oke nya lagi barang-barangnya ori smua dan dibanding OL / mall, lebih murah sih.. pelayanan nya cukup baik
rekomen banget
@CS Best Buy Indonesia:
ReplyDeleteHalo Best Buy Indonesia, Terima kasih untuk konfirmasinya disini, namun saya juga perlu tegaskan bahwasanya ketika saya melakukan pembelian di Best Buy tahun 2012 lalu (sesuai tanggal di post ini) saya memang sempat dikenakan additional charge IDR 100,000 di shopping cart saya yang awalnya hanya berisi satu barang seharga IDR 114,000 (kurang dari 300,000).
Saya masih ingat betul bahwa di shopping cart saya tertera Additional Fee sebesar Rp 100,000. Hal inilah yang kemudian membuat saya pada akhirnya menambah belanjaan saya dengan barang2 lain (sehingga mencapai total Rp 300,000) agar tidak dikenakan charge tersebut. Setelah menambah barang2 lain barulah total belanja saya menjadi Rp 342,000 (tanpa additional fee) seperti yang anda beritahukan diatas.
Yang ingin saya tekankan adalah jika tadinya saya hanya ingin membeli barang seharga 114,000 maka saya akan dikenakan additional fee sebesar 100,000. Ketika itu juga tidak ada keterangan jelas apakah additional fee tersebut untuk biaya delivery atau biaya lain.
Mengenai perihal data shopping cart saya dimana pihak Best Buy tidak meliihat ada additional fee selain ongkos kirim, itu disebabkan karena memang pada akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk belanja lebih dari Rp 300,000 agar tidak dikenakan additional fee tersebut. Jadi additional fee tersebut hanya muncul apabila total shopping cart di bawah Rp 300,000.
Saya tidak menyimpan data screenshot additional fee tersebut sehingga tidak bisa menunjukannya pada anda. Saya juga tidak tahu apakah ketika itu ada kesalahan teknis pada website atau apakah sekarang sudah ada policy baru yang menghilangkan additional fee tersebut, namun pengalaman saya diatas benar-benar berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri dan tidak saya buat-buat. Saya hanya menuliskan pengalaman belanja saya di Best Buy seperti hal-nya saya sering menuliskan pengalaman saya belanja di website2 lain pada blog saya ini.
Sekali lagi saya ucapkan Terima kasih atas perhatian yang telah diberikan oleh Best Buy dan terima kasih juga karena sudah mendengarkan masukan dari saya dan teman2 commenter lain disini. Saya percaya sekarang Best Buy Indonesia sudah semakin baik dalam service yang diberikan, dan semoga ke depannya dapat terus menjadi lebih baik lagi.
mantap reviewnya lengkap kak.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate all your comments, thanks for commenting here and sharing some love !
I will return the favors by checking out and comment back on your blog ^o^